I received this book as an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
First, I feel terrible. I got this book AGES ago and read it back then. But, you know, I’m a teacher, and *gestures at the world* pandemic. This is horribly late, and it’s probably the last ARC I’ll ever get from Edelweiss, because of it but alas.
Anyway, I’ve reviewed the entire Highland Brides series, and I remember saying AGES ago, the only Buchanan brother I cared about was Rory. He was the only who seemed to have a personality outside of his brothers because he was a healer. I really do love this series because it’s reliably entertaining, and in 2020-21, we need this. Outside of the first book in the series (Ross & Annabel are unmatched)
We open with Lady Elysande de Valence being smuggled out of her home in England, meeting up with Rory Buchanan who is in England, finishing up a job and heading back to Scotland. Elysande’s family has been slaughtered, and Rory is supposed to escort her to the Sinclaires (Cam & Jo from Book 2) because Elysande is Lady Sinclaire’s niece. It’s a road trip romance, which are some of my favorites.
This has all the hallmarks of a Lynsay Sands romance — melodrama, lusty heroes and heroines, and honestly, Rory is my favorite hero since Ross. I like Elysande, but she’s probably not my favorite heroine in the series. There’s a few things she does that drives me nuts (we’ll get there in the weeds), but overall — I’m happy with the way this romance is written. Rory’s the healer — he’s used to that being the most interesting thing about him. It’s why I wanted to read his book! But with Elysande, it’s not the most important to her, and I think it’s really sweet and fun for Rory to see that he’s more than just a healer.
This was a very sweet, very sexy romance, and one of the best Sands books in a long time. They’re all good, mind you, but I was very happy with this.
Spoilers Ahead
Honestly, the big thing that drives me crazy in this book is that they’re trying to get Elysande to safety, and she keeps telling people who she is and asking for their help. Rory is irritated, but never irritated enough. It’s nice that Elysande has faith in people, and it works out in this book, but it seems like it borders on too dumb to live, and in another book — she’d have been kidnapped a thousand times.
Also, I felt like the ending was sort of abrupt, but that might be me just wanting more. It’s always hard to tell sometimes.
Highland Treasures
I received this book as an ARC in exchange for an honest review. Overall First, I feel terrible. I got this book AGES ago and read it back then. But, you know, I'm a teacher, and *gestures ...