“Because when I was a struggling graduate student in film school, I often had no money. And so I often had to choose between wine and things like toilet paper. […]
It was wine or toilet paper.
Toilet paper.
The toilet paper did not always win.”
– The Year of Yes, Shonda Rhimes
Girl, if that doesn’t describe the entire experience of graduate school, nothing else does. I analyze my sleep with Fitbit because I like horror stories, and I average, in a good week, 6 hours. But most weeks? 5 hours.
So on Tuesdays, I buy romance novels when they come out. I don’t always read them right away — they go on a digital TBR like a sweet candy treat that I can have when I get to a major deadline. I’ve got about six waiting for me.
You gotta figure out how to get through the day.
And I’m saving the wine for the end of the semester.