
NaNoWriMo Nov 2018: Day 5

This entry is part 4 of 14 in the series NaNoWriMo

So Day 4 never happened. I was sick all day, struggling to get through family and school obligations so writing just never made the schedule.

Today, I made it a priority to get something done. I turned back to what helped me write during July’s event — I used a timer and wrote in 25 minute spurts, about 3-4 a day.  When things are clicking, I can write between 1000-2000 words in 25 minutes so having the timer really does help.

I set that timer today, and I wrote about 1358 words in 30 minutes. I wrote two scenes, both Elizabeth centered. I like both of them, but I want to go back during revision and amp up the emotional stuff. I feel like I just did paint by numbers on this first go through.

No soundtrack for today because I just want to go to bed.

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